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Wetumka Clinic Closure
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The SANE Program allows survivors of sexual violence to receive specialized care by Registered Nurses who have advanced education and clinical preparation in medical forensic examinations of sexual assault victims. These RNs also have the expertise to provide effective courtroom testimony should the need arise. SANE exams are provided through a joint response of both a SANE nurse and a Victim Advocate.

The examination is free and confidential; adults do not have to file a police report to receive care. The medical well-being of the patient is the primary objective at all times during this process.

The MCNDH SANE Program currenlty serves post-pubescent adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault. SANE examiners are available to respond to either MCNDH hospital 24/7.

How To Request An Exam

  • Contact local law enforcement to report the sexual assault and law enforcement will make arrangements, or
  • If you do not wish to report the sexual assault, call the 24 hour SANE hotline at 918-732-7979